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My home is everywhere

project created during the artist residency at the Motel Spatie, Arnhem, the Netherlands in august- september 2013.  

« La maison est ce processus par lequel l'extérieur devient l"intérieur : l'espace est approprié par des signes et des symboles qui le limitent »
(Pièrre Dulau : Heidegger,  La parole et la terre )

My home is everywhere, 2013
fabrics, metallic structure 180x160x190 cm,
Arnhem, the Netherlands

Making of, St Eusibius church, 2013, by Jan Swienink, NL

This project was created during the artistic residency at the Motel Spatie, Arnhem, the Netherlands.
The aim of the research " Who owns the city? " was to attract the attention to the spesific district of Arnhem -Presikhaaf to inspire and create eye-openers for Dutch real estate developers and professional environmental planners.


Jacques Derrida, french philosopher, in his works talks about the topology in the time of new capitalism, where power is no longer associated just with the one site or with one symbolical city and whose nature is not really political but economical, cultural, technological.


This project is a reflection about meaning of living on the specific territory, place, country today.
Where are the borders of this space, is it mine space? Can I feel free there? Who decides how and where should I live ?.. What does it mean to be home ? Where is the limit berween the inside and the outside.  How we interact with outside space?


The result of the project was published in the year book 2013 of RUIMTEWOLK (Nieuw Kapitaal | RUIMTEVOLK Jaarboek 2013 ) and exposed during the conference 21th november in Arnhem and in the Cirka...dit gallery, from 28th november untill 22th december 2014.


This project was made possible by the W.F. Jansen Fund / The city of Arnhem and was a part of official programme RFNL 2013.



Le but de la recherche Who owns the city ? / A qui appartient la ville? était de visualiser la ville Arnhem (Pays-Bas) et surtout le quartier de Presikhaaf pour inspirer les développeurs immobiliers néerlandais et les planificateurs environnementales professionnels. Le résultat du projet a été publié dans l’annuaire 2013 de RUIMTEWOLK (Nieuw kapitaal | RUIMTEVOLK Jaarboek 2013) et exposé pendant la conférence en novembre 2014 à la galerie Cirka...dit, Arnhem.


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